Monday 6 February 2012

My trip to Terengganu!

On Saturday, was my trip to Terengganu. At Terengganu, was fun. There was a beach and a swimming pool. The beach was very fun than the swimming pool because the beach wave was very strong and we like the wave. And that time the beach was close. Because it is time for desert. And then I became sleepy. Then my mum and my dad ate ice-cream then we went back to the hotel and go to sleep.

The next day me and my sister woke up,then we got up from the bed and we saw our mother is not at the bed because she went to the beach with my small sister. Then we go and play with the ipad then my mother come back from the beach. Then we go breakfast. I had Pancake for breakfast my father did not come for breakfast because he was still sleeping. When I got half of my Pancake my father came. After we finish our breakfast we went swimming a little bit long we can not swim so long because after swimming we need go to batik painting. For batik painting i had Angry Birds. After we all have done we all wait for our mother. When we waited for our mother we played with the computer then my mother came after that we went back to the hotel. Then we take our bath in the bath tub. The bath tub was fun my father put soap in the tubthen it was time for super but that time I was not sleepy I am happy because I had satay.